Dec 8th, 2014
Author: donich_admin
Back in the distant days of summer, R and I promised that we would faithfully go for a walk every day in the winter – even if the weather was foul. Reason being that last winter we put on an alarming amount of weight through lack of exercise (and to be honest – overeating!).
This morning at 8am we had our coats and shoes on and stepped out of the front door. We exchanged one glance and stepped right back in. A combination of wind and sleet made it so completely foul that even we wouldn’t go out in it – and we are pretty tolerant of bad weather.
And now this afternoon when it is too late because we are both working – the sun is shining, but when I stepped out to take a photo of the snowy mountains, it is still bitterly cold. I also managed to scare the poor heron off his pond again.
By way of comparison, the second image on the post is what it looked like last Friday – even so it wasn’t quite as foul as today.