We would love to be able to report the presence of the Scottish Wildcat in this area, but unfortunately it appears likely that it can no longer be found in Argyll. Due to cross-breeding with feral domestic cats, loss of habitat and predation from humans there may be as few as 400 to 1000 pure bred individuals left in the wild (accounts differ), and these are more likely to be in the Cairngorms area than here.
It is possible that this beautiful creature can survive in captivity and one day be reintroduced into the wild, but it is sad to think of it being gone for good. We need to remember how close creatures like the pine marten and otter were to being wiped out in Scotland as well, and continue to work for conservation in this country
Just to cheer up this rather sad page. Our nearest neighbour over at the other side of the Donich alerted us to the fact that there was a ‘wildcat’ in his garden – only it was wearing a collar with a bell on it. One of our two Bengal cats must have crossed the river when it was at low flow by jumping from stone to stone. They are just getting used to the wildlife in the area – hopefully the wildlife is getting used to them as well!