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Jan 18th


By donich_admin

Watched from the wall

R and I are now walking up to the waterfalls every second day (alternating with the Inverlounin loop). Today there were a few beams of sunlight stealing through the murk of the Argyll winter. Someone has removed the boards which were “blocking” (in the loosest possible sense) the bridge over the burn at the top. […]

Jan 14th


By donich_admin


This was the situation in R’s bedroom the other night. Not a great picture as hurriedly taken on an iPad, but it shows Lucky and Amber on the bed together. It did not last long after we came into the room, and Lucky then retreated into the room J had vacated. Lucky and Amber tolerate […]

Jan 12th


By donich_admin

Sunday Lunch

When I was a child, regardless of what rather basic meals my Dad (who did the weekday cooking because my Mum was at work) served up during the week, we would always have a really decent Sunday Lunch. This being 1970s/80s it would be a roast dinner with a good pud, normally either a roast […]

Jan 11th


By donich_admin

Made it Home

I must be perfecting this journey, because J and I made it door to door in 12 hours. I honestly think the train is the best way of doing this journey (best of a bad bunch because all the options are bad). I am going down there one last time to supervise the house clearance […]

Jan 9th


By donich_admin

End of an era….

J’s parents had lived in the Little Walsingham house for over 70 years. His dad died twelve years ago and his mother died back in April. J himself lived here all his childhood, so this place is stuffed with memories for him. Today the removal men came to take all his antique furniture and china […]

Jan 7th


By donich_admin

Sunny South

J says Norfolk is not “the south”. R says it is. I am with J on that one. We went out for lunch and then to see his parents’ grave for the last time (for a year or so anyway). We walked back and it was freezing. So sunny south it is not. I actually […]

Jan 6th


By donich_admin

Treasure trove

J and I moved from the house to clearing out the garage today. This would be a monumental task, but luckily we have a house clearance company coming to clear up the residual contents once J has taken what he wants. An old cupboard contained boxes and boxes of ancient magazines (some of which are […]

Jan 5th


By donich_admin

Sewing tables

We gave these to a friend from the village who had helped Chloe a lot and who is a fantastic craftswoman. For some reason there are three separate sewing tables in the house – one Victorian walnut which J took himself, and two others which are 1960s/70s but are stuffed with old things. There are […]

Jan 4th


By donich_admin

Made it to Norfolk

Eventually got here, although I was later than I wanted to be. Because I was so late in setting off I didn’t get to King’s Lynn until 9pm, by which time the last bus had long gone. I hadn’t prebooked a taxi and I didn’t reckon that one of the station rack would take me […]

Jan 3rd


By donich_admin

A quiz?

What is the worst journey in mainland UK to undertake by any means of transport in January? My contender for this title is Lochgoilhead to Little Walsingham. Car – nine hours drive (not including breaks). A significant portion of this is on bad roads, first in Scotland and then in Norfolk. Flight – only vaguely […]