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Jul 23rd, 2024

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Our Mowrator – Rowley

A few months ago we bought a “Mowrator”. This came off a Kickstarter project to create a remote controlled robot lawn mower. There are plenty of robot mowers available in UK, but in general they are of the sort where you let them go in a designated area and leave them to do their stuff. […]

Jul 21st, 2024

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Resting Lucky

I thought Lucky was out last night (as is his wont) but when I went to the kitchen for a snack at 10pm he was there asleep underneath a radiator in the lounge If you look closely at where he is lying in the photo, you will see the mess his fur has made on […]

Jul 19th, 2024

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Waiting tolerance

I was just reading about the Cloudstrike induced IT outage this morning. One of the BBC headlines was “Edinburgh airport passengers go with the flow” – apparently people were patiently and indefinitely waiting for flights. This made me think about my own tolerance levels for waiting around, which I will say are not high. Basically […]

Jul 17th, 2024

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Nice and not nice

I went to Glasgow to do some shopping yesterday. Specifically I bought some new trainers because the ones I have (good and faithful old friends that they are), need to be retired. Due to my foot problem, the only shoes I have worn in the last year are one specific pair of trainers and some […]

Jul 13th, 2024

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A walk in the woods

The weather has been a bit better the last few days and R and I went for a walk through the Community Garden and back to the road along the riverside. This path is about as close as flat and smooth as you get around here and is better for my foot than the one […]

Jul 12th, 2024

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Another nutritious meal

In my on-going campaign against processed food, this was our main meal today. Cut two large peppers in half, drizzle with olive oil and cook in oven for 15 minutes or so. Fry an onion with some pine kernels, then add a tin of red kidney beans, olives and chilis to your taste. Sprinkle thickly […]

Jul 11th, 2024

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Double decker cats

R has some “shelves” in his office – only they are not for books. This is what they are for. Interestingly, after a brief flirtation with the cat tree in the lounge, Lucky stopped using it and has once again returned solely to ground level. His favourite place is in a corner of the lounge […]

Jul 10th, 2024

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Garden Reborn

Two very enterprising young men from the village came over yesterday and in one (very long) day, completely cleared our garden. Unfortunately, I forgot to take any “before” pictures – but at the front the docks and bracken were at near shoulder height, and the back garden was a near impenetrable wilderness. Basically the whole […]

Jul 7th, 2024

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Given up

I have given up on my resistance to Microsoft bit by bit moving me into their cloud (by amongst other things, insidiously storing my data in One Drive). I noticed the other day that my Windows desktop files were all of a sudden on One Drive. Now I am pretty sure that this didn’t happen […]