
Nov 2nd, 2013


So following on from the mysterious disappearing suet ball, we have decided to fit a couple of Webcams. One of them we will attach to our potting shed which is right next to the bird feeding area, and the other will go on the side of the summerhouse which is right next to the pond (I call it a pond but I suppose at about 12 yards across it is more like a small lake). I am hoping that when spring and summer come we will get animals and birds coming to drink there. The cameras are Foscams – they have a wireless interface for connecting to our internal network but they need mains power – luckily both the shed and the summerhouse have this – but at some time in the future (way down the long list of things to do – I would like to have some that would run off a solar panel). Critically they have night vision capability which works really well – the resolution is great and the only difference from the daylight photos is that the night time ones are in black and white. We have a special ‘Super Large’ suet ball which came as a present in an RSPB boxed set – so we will put it in the cage as a honeytrap. Hopefully we will get a look at our thief tonight…

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