Blog Archives

Sep 26th, 2014

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Aigas – Day 7

We were quite sad this morning as it was our last day at Aigas. I went for one final early morning walk round the loch to look for beavers. If there was any justice in the world I would have seen one – but in spite of spending ten minutes hopefully peering at a patch […]

Sep 25th, 2014

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Aigas – Day 6

Again we got up at 6am, and again went to the Loch to look for beavers. Again we saw nothing apart from mist and the occasional ripple as a (small) fish turned over. We have been so lucky seeing everything else that I almost think that the beavers have left and are now living the […]

Sep 24th, 2014

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Aigas – Day 5

This was another big day – we went out to the west coast with much to see and a long drive to get there. The bird group had gone the day before and had brought back an impressive ‘trophy list’ involving five sea eagles and an otter (amongst other things), but they had not been […]

Sep 23rd, 2014

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Aigas – Day 4

This was our ‘rest day’ so not so much happened today – thank goodness as we have had so much on that I was starting to think I would need another holiday when we get home. Got up at 6:30 on my own this time to have yet another crack at seeing a beaver. It […]

Sep 22nd, 2014

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Aigas – Day 3

We were up again at 6am – this time to go to the tree top hide where we were told we could see the red and roe deer coming up out of the woods at dawn to spend their day on the high moor. We waited about half an hour with no luck – and […]

Sep 21st, 2014

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Aigas – Day 2

Our first proper day at Aigas and we were up quite literally with the dawn (6am when the first signs of light were touching the sky) to go to look for beavers. The official ‘beaver watching’ at Aigas ends at the beginning of September because there is no longer enough dusk light after dinner to […]

Sep 20th, 2014

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Aigas – Day 1

This morning we left the cats in the capable hands of J and set off North for Aigas. It is about 120 miles from Lochgoilhead, near Beauly on the Black Isle. Although it is good (by Highland standards) roads all the way, we reckoned it would take us over 3 hours because of general congestion. […]

Sep 20th, 2014

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Off on our travels…

R and I are off on holiday this week – hopefully with a bit more leisure than on our last trip away where our conference holiday in Cambridge seemed to turn into a lot more conference than holiday. This time we are going to the Aigas Field Centre near Inverness for a week. There will […]