Jan 29th, 2025
Author: donich_admin
Aberdeen today
My northern odyssey continued today with a move to Aberdeen. I’ve never been very sure whether I would describe Aberdeen as in the Highlands or not. It is a long way north, but the climate and geography of the city are really nothing like what I would call “Highland”. Gentle rolling plains and fertile farmland hardly seems to compare to our Argyll home, although it is a lot further south.
Anyway, my only other experience of Aberdeen was one day when we were very early for the Shetland ferry, and J and I went for a walk round the city. Actually it was raining so hard that we spent nearly the whole afternoon hiding in a covered shopping centre. We weren’t that impressed then, but this time I quite liked it. The grey granite everywhere does it no favours in the rain, but in the sunlight it looks quite nice.
Aberdeen also has the best street name I have heard in a while “Correction Wynd”. There must be a story behind that, but not one I am sure I want to hear.
The picture is of a view down one of Aberdeen’s steep streets with a glimpse of the Northlink ferry at the bottom.