Jan 27th, 2025
Author: donich_admin
Keeping up with the flow of events
I used to work as a Lotus Notes Administrator. One of the best error messages I have ever seen appeared in the log files when the server was very, very busy “Unable to keep up with the flow of events”. That’s me at the moment…
I am simultaneously a) cleaning out a house in Norfolk b) cleaning out a flat in Glasgow c) Writing a training course d) trying to manage all my usual household things like ASDA orders.
I will write some retrospective posts on my travels. But this is why I haven’t written much of late. Today I am in Glasgow having failed to make it home on Saturday. Having helped J clear out his house in Norfolk for sale, I am now doing the same thing with his Glasgow flat.
It is a bit of a big job, because like his mother J is a bit of a hoarder and there is a great deal that needs to be thrown out/recycled before J can sell it and move to a swish new pad.
We packed up a load of junk and packed lots of boxes.