Jan 12th, 2025
Author: donich_admin
Sunday Lunch
When I was a child, regardless of what rather basic meals my Dad (who did the weekday cooking because my Mum was at work) served up during the week, we would always have a really decent Sunday Lunch. This being 1970s/80s it would be a roast dinner with a good pud, normally either a roast meat (beef or pork or chicken) with all the trimmings, and what we called a sponge pudding.
I decided to revive the tradition this weekend and we (R, J and I) had roast chicken, home made sage and onion stuffing (frozen from Christmas), baked potatoes, mini sausages (Christmas again), sprouts and gravy. And sponge pudding.
I just made this as far as possible to my Mum’s old recipe. 2oz butter, 2oz caster sugar per egg. Beat together. Add 2oz SR flour per egg and fold in gently. Mix in a couple of tbsp milk to make it more pudding like in consistency. Put half in a greased Pyrex dish, spread with dollops of jam and cover with the other half. Bake in a medium oven for half an hour or so. This is served with hot Ambrosia (must be Ambrosia which is much better than home made) custard.
R claimed he did not like custard and then discovered he did when I made him taste it.
I am not sure whether this particular pudding was ever eaten outside our family, but it was very good (although very much not a healthy eating option).