Seventh Day of Mousemas – Christmas Eve

Dec 24th, 2024

Seventh Day of Mousemas – Christmas Eve

We all went over to Drimsynie tonight, where my brother hosted a very nice Italian meal.  Antipasti, pasta primavera, vegetable pizzas and an Italian apple and pear cake.

It was a long walk over there – 45 minutes “the short way” which involved some very muddy paths and trying not to ruin my new boots and trousers.  And then 40 minutes back by the road.

The whole holiday camp seemed dead – with virtually none of the caravans or chalets illuminated.  There wasn’t even any music or voices coming from the central hotel where the bar is.  I can’t help wondering if the Argyll holiday camps were such a good bargain for the American company who bought them a few years back.

On a completely different note, today I finished my second “Challenge Chart” which was the second set of ten weeks since my operation.  The final picture is of me holding the Olympic torch.  I wouldn’t say that I am quite at that point, but I did meet all the goals I set myself, and I am more or less recovered.  I can walk seven miles with no problems and go up and down steps quite easily.  I am still going to make further progress in the New Year, but I think I am in general back to normal.