First Day of Mousemas

Dec 18th, 2024

First Day of Mousemas

It is the first day of Mousemas today.  As all Donich followers will know, this a cat festival which runs from the 18th to 29th December (by a complete co-incidence, this is also R’s birthday), and is the spiritual successor to the ancient festival of Vole.

We humans are finding out new traditions about Mousemas all the time – only yesterday, Amber informed me that it is traditional for the image of a mouse, vole or other small rodent (or insectivore in the case of shrews) to be included in every image of Mousemas, and for humans to search for this.  When they find this, it is then traditional for them to give a prawn to a feline.  I asked Amber what happens if they don’t find it, and she told me that they have to give the feline two prawns.  I further enquired when this tradition started, but she was too engaged in washing her bum to tell me.

We put our Christmas tree up today.