Sad to say

Jul 31st, 2024

Sad to say

It saddens me to say this, but the operation on my foot has not been successful. Basically it is worse than it was before the operation, and a CT scan taken at 3 months has shown that it is still tilted over to one side and is therefore going to continue to pain me if it is left the way it is. Worse than this, it is also deteriorating. In my heart of hearts I have known this for the last few weeks, as it was obviously not making any further progress and was still painful.

So back to Ross Hall for a further operation – this time the triple fusion which I should have had in the first place. While they are at it they are also going to straighten out my toes which have been damaged by the way I have been walking. And my ankle because the original screws put in were misplaced and have started to work their way into the cartilage.

I’ll be off my feet again for at least two months while this heals (hopefully correctly this time). The only good news in all of this is that they had a slot for me next week, so I am having the operation on Wed 7th.

I’m now rushing round trying to get the house in order and make sure we have some food prepared in the freezer. I won’t be able to do as much as I did last time when I had two months warning, but if all goes well I shouldn’t need so much.

I’m loosely remaining optimistic that all will be well (although the fact that it was messed up in the first place means there is a significantly larger chance that the second operation will fail) – I’m just sorry to be missing out on going down to Norfolk – R and I had been going to stay in J’s house for a week before it gets sold.

The photo is of the ruins of Crookston Castle in the park next to Ross Hall where I was the other day for the scan. Off for my pre-op tomorrow – Glasgow three times in a week!