Garden Reborn

Jul 10th, 2024

Garden Reborn

Two very enterprising young men from the village came over yesterday and in one (very long) day, completely cleared our garden.

Unfortunately, I forgot to take any “before” pictures – but at the front the docks and bracken were at near shoulder height, and the back garden was a near impenetrable wilderness. Basically the whole thing didn’t get mowed at all last year due to my incapacity and the fact that J’s mother’s issues stopped him from coming over to help.

Anyway, I didn’t really believe that the two new gardeners would be able to get the whole thing cleared in a day, but they did. It is not manicured, but it will do for a start. I am going to do some stuff myself now I am largely recovered, and we have our robot mower hopefully arriving today (more of this later). But I think once I have inspected matters I may ask the gardeners to come back and clear round the pond as well.