More exciting wildlife

Jun 7th, 2024

More exciting wildlife

Yesterday I saw two goldfinches on the bird table. It is a bit weird because some years were have virtually nothing apart from thousands of chaffinches, and other years we have quite a good variety. I saw a treecreeper the other day, we have the intermittent siskins back, various tits, blackbirds, robins etc. The heron on the pond as well.

The juvenile pine marten was back on the nuts again and I got a photo this time.

We also had a fox briefly. It is a juvenile again and looks a bit scrawny but I think it is just soaking wet!

Then later in the day Saphy caught a bird. I spotted the fact because there were two feathers in the hall. She was very interested in the corner of R’s room, and when R went to investigate, he found that the bird had of its own volition gone into an old whisky tin which R keeps there for catching mice in! So he just picked the tin up and took it outside. It was one of the new goldfinches!
Luckily it was completely unharmed and flew off at speed. Perhaps this is why some species of bird keep appearing in our garden and disappearing again.