Lucky the wild cat

Jun 4th, 2024

Lucky the wild cat

Lucky’s new modus operendi is this:-

Do my own thing in the wilderness for about 48 hours, living on what I can catch and stored fat.
If it rains heavily, or if I get very hungry, come home.
Eat anything that has been left out for me in the kitchen. Sleep in the lounge on the floor until about 6am, then start to howl for food.
Attack R while he is putting food out by biting his trouser leg.
Eat three pouches really quickly.
Go out and sleep in the garden. I have made a little nest for myself in the bracken near R’s window.
Off and on for that day come into the house for food. Try to stock up on at least six pouches by playing one human off against the other.
When it gets dark, the wilderness calls again.
Rinse and repeat.

Lucky is quite friendly now, and he is a good looking cat, but he is never going to be anything other than semi-domesticated. We used to call cats like him “barn cats” – they live largely on farms and will come inside at a pinch, but are really wild animals who prefer to be free and catch their own food. I am glad he is happy with the life he has chosen and I expect to see much more of him come winter.