Another lovely day and night

May 21st, 2024

Another lovely day and night

Went to the leafy West End of Glasgow yesterday. It was the most amazing weather and every tree was a different shade of green – even in the city. Glasgow has come a long way since I used to visit my grandparents in the area in the mid 1970s – then every building was black, and I don’t think you would have seen a display of foliage uncoated by soot and muck.

The only problem with our trip was that on the way back, the sun was right in our eyes and as is my wont, I had forgotten my sunglasses. Still there were fabulous views of Loch Lomond and “The Ben”. When we turned off the Rest onto the road home, there was a magnificent moon in the still bright summer sky over Beinn Donich. R got out of the car to take a picture of it.

It makes me sad to think that I will probably never climb Beinn Donich again, as my fused foot joints are never going to have any side to side motion, which apparently makes it difficult to walk on rough ground. Still, we shall see….

Later on, I woke up about 3am, and the moon, which had been silver before, was pure gold. It was nearly full, and so bright that the room was fully illuminated brightly enough to read. I lay there and watched it move right across the sky, which took about half an hour. Magnificent – I didn’t take a picture though because from past experience it wouldn’t have come out very well taken from recumbent on a mobile phone through a window.