Apr 15th, 2024
Author: donich_admin
Home again
Got out of hospital yesterday as per schedule. I’m feeling pretty tired and washed out, plus in a bit of pain from my foot. I don’t feel dreadful, but I do feel quite a lot worse than after the shoulder operation.
I’m using the wheelchair rather than crutches and it is proving quite satisfactory. I’m already scooting about the place, and hopefully I’ll be in less pain in a few days.
The snow is back on the mountains and it is a miserable dreich day today – so at least I am not missing any good weather.
One other piece of good news is that if all goes well I will be partially weight bearing on crutches in two weeks time. It will still be a longish road to recovery though – I’m not due to start proper physio on the foot for three months.
The tray is for carrying things on my knee while I am in the wheelchair. The cat on the tray is “Oreo cat (TM)” and Amber is sitting beside it. Actually the cat on the tray looks rather more like Lucky, but he hasn’t ventured onto the bed yet.