Apr 1st, 2024
Author: donich_admin
An extraordinary letter from the Council
I can hardly believe this letter we received today from the Council. Apparently we have been “selected” with no input from us to be part of a Wildcat Reintroduction Zone. We’ve been sent an almost threatening letter about making sure our cats don’t interfere with the reintroduced wildcats. I am so outraged that I am going to send this to the daily Telegraph – yet again these Green, woke lefties are interfering with peoples’ personal freedoms in a wholly unacceptable way.
This is the text of the letter.
Wildcat reintroduction registration area – preliminary notice to householders
As you may be aware, Argyll and Bute Council in collaboration with NatureScot are actively pursuing a policy of reintroduction and re-establishment of native species. As part of our newest initiative, we are writing to inform you that in line with the provisions of the Native Wildlife (Scotland) Act 2023 (the Act), section 2, sub-section 4 (c), your property falls within the boundary of a designated re-establishment area (DREA) for the endangered Scottish Wildcat.
As such, you have a legal responsibility to ensure the following:-
a) All domestic felines permanently resident within the DREA must be registered in compliance with the Act. A sample registration form is included, and must be completed for each feline prior to 31st May 2024.
b) All domestic felines must be fully vaccinated as detailed in Schedule F of the Act, and proof of vaccination must be submitted to the DREA every year by 31st May.
c) All domestic felines within the DREA must be neutered, and proof of neutering in the form of a certificate from a registered Veterinary surgeon must be submitted together with the registration form.
d) All domestic felines within the DREA must wear a reflective collar with a disk stating their owners’ names and addresses, together with a contact telephone number.
e) No domestic feline within the DREA is to be permitted access outdoors during the hours of darkness.
f) No domestic feline with tabby markings is permitted to be resident within the DREA.
g) All further domestic felines to be brought into the DREA are to fall under the regulations in the items above, and in addition, will require approval from the convenor designated for the DREA.
Penalties for contravention of the above regulations may lead to prosecution under the Act, with maximum penalties of an unlimited fine, or six months imprisonment. In addition, the contravening feline can be subject to relocation outside the DREA and its permission to reside with the area permanently rescinded.
In addition, we have been sent a registration form which as well as asking a load of intrusive personal questions with no apparent bearing on cat welfare, and demanding £150 for each cat we want to keep in the DREA. Man the barricades!
Domestic Feline Registration Form
This form is to be completed for each domestic feline applying for permission within a DREA. Attach all relevant documents together with a cheque for £150 payable to “Cat Action Society Holdings” and send to Cash House, Montrose Street, Oban by 31st March. Note that a separate form and relevant fee should be sent for each Feline in separate envelopes.
Name of Owner
Address of Owner
List all previous addresses in last 20 years (use separate sheet if needed)
DoB of Owner
Occupation of Owner
Nationality of Owner (if not British Citizen attach proof of right of abode in Scotland)
Race of Owner
Gender of Owner
Sexual Orientation of Owner
Religion of Owner
Marital Status of Owner
List names and addresses of all previous sexual partners (use separate sheet if needed)
Previous criminal convictions (if not expired – use separate sheet if needed). Include non-crime hate incidents.
Membership of any political parties in last 10 years (note dates)
Name of Feline
DoB of Feline
Breed of Feline
Colour of Feline
Microchip number
Responsible Veterinary Surgeon
Any other distinguishing marks
Score Feline 1 to 10 in aggression against other felines
Score Feline 1 to 10 in aggression against humans
Attachments (as relevant – compulsory documents marked with *)
Owner Birth Certificate *, Owner Marriage Certificate, Owner Gender recognition Certificate, 3 proofs of address (original documents), Proof of right of abode in Scotland, proof of Employment status (e.g. recent payslip or P60). Two recent passport quality photographs of Owner.
Feline proof of date of birth *, Feline vaccination Certificate *, Feline proof of neutering, Microchip registration document, two recent photographs of Feline – one facial, one full body side on.
Cheque for £150