Mar 27th, 2024
Author: donich_admin
Bed and cat
Thinking out the layout of my area in the house for the time I am in a wheelchair, I have decided to put a single bed into my office. This is so that I can access it from both sides, and also because my existing bed in the main bedroom is ridiculously low. I’ve been practicing standing straight up from a seated position without using either my arms or my left leg, and I can manage this moderately ok from an ordinary bed or chair – but not this bed as it is less than a foot off the floor and would require the skills of a yoga guru to stand up from with one leg.
The new bed brought in from the spare room is a single which allows access from either side, and lets me stand up from it without contortions.
Saphy is a great fan of it, and also discovered my walking stick. I don’t like the NHS looking ones, so I bought an antique one with a silver top, which makes me feel rather like the Dowager Countess of Grantham in Downton Abby (not quite as old but just as imperious).
Saphy thought actually sleeping on top of the stick would be super comfortable.