Jan 7th, 2024
Author: donich_admin
Fish heaven
Today R and I made a truly delicious meal between us. R is normally very resistant to cooking under supervision but he made an exception today as we had some lovely monkfish which needed eaten up and he did not know how to cook it.
First of all cut the monkfish into large chunks. There is a membrane around the fish which cookery programmes always tell you to remove, but to be honest, this is really only if you are serving it in a large piece and you don’t want the edges to curl up. For a casserole it is OK just leave it in place and I don’t think that R was overly enthusiastic about experimenting with that particular cookery technique.
Lightly fry one chopped onion in a little olive oil, add the fish and cook for a few minutes while stirring. Add one can of chopped tomatoes and one can of ratatouille, a large squeeze of garlic puree, salt and pepper and half a bunch of coriander, coarsely chopped.
While this is happening, peel and parboil some potatoes and after they have been cooking for around 8 minutes drain them and add them to the fish. Stir the mixture but not too hard or you will break the potatoes up. Pour everything into a large slow cooker and put on the four hour programme. 20 minutes before the end of the cooking time, add half a jar old drained olives.
At the end of the programme serve with warm ciabatta.
This only takes about 10 minutes to make and is very delicious. So much so that when I had eaten my portion I went back for a second helping only to discover that there was none left. R had got in there first and had cleaned the pan out.