Dec 1st, 2023
Author: donich_admin
Lucky in the doorway
He is still as voracious as ever. One way and another he is cadging about 8 pouches of Felix a day out of us. This is way too much and he is now being cut down to one pouch per feed apart from overnight when he can keep on having two.
He annoys me by weaving about under foot when I am trying to prepare meals and clean the kitchen, and annoys the ladies by insisting on sleeping right in the door of the kitchen where he is between them and the cat flap.
Here he is in the kitchen doorway – not great resolution as taken on my old iPod which I use for audio books while cooking. His nose is not really that colour – it is just covered with some of the cat food he has just guzzled down.
Start of December today and I opened day one of my Jacquie Lawson Advent Calendar.