Beautiful Autumn Weather

Nov 11th, 2023

Beautiful Autumn Weather

Fantastic views from the house and over the loch.

I was suddenly reminded today of a story about an office building belonging to the company where I used to work. Although I was home based, I used to pop in there from time to time and let myself be taken out for lunch.

The building was “The Pyramids” just outside Bathgate and right beside the M8. As you can imagine, the views from the site weren’t much, apart from occasional glimpses of the famous pink sheep.

It was quite a fancy setup there, and there were several video conferencing suites. All of these were in the heart of the building and were completely devoid of windows. To try to cheer things up a bit, the company had one of those rather sad “name that room” competition, with the subject being locations in Scotland. Sure enough, one of them was named the Loch Lomond Room, and they commemorated this by having a huge photo print of the loch right behind the video camera, such that the remote participant saw the Scottish participant with the phot in the background.

Some months later, one of my American colleagues commented on how lucky we were to have such wonderful offices. “How so?” I asked, because they were really very typical bland corporate stuff. “Having that wonderful location by the lakeside”, she said “I would kill for a view like that every day”.

Well now I have the real thing.