Jun 7th, 2023
Author: donich_admin
Amber on a filing cabinet
Here is our big black pussy cat Amber, sitting on R’s metal filing cabinet.
Amber is the softest cat I have ever known. She is scared of about everything, and particularly doesn’t like sudden movements, loud noises and my crocs which make a squeaky noise on our wooden floors.
She loves being tickled, but only on her own terms, and refuses to sit on anyone’s knee. She is also very resistant to being picked up – R has managed it a few times but she is too heavy for me with my bad shoulder. In fact Amber is too heavy full stop, in Internet terms she is a bit of a “chonk” – 6kg which is more than Tora and Schrodi were, and nearly twice the weight of Saphy.
Normally Amber’s two favourite occupations are eating and sleeping, but she did have a mouse the other day. I caught her with it on R’s bed – just staring at it as though she didn’t know what to do next. I put the poor little creature outside.