May 17th, 2023
Author: donich_admin
Another lovely day….
The tourists are obviously starting to arrive for this year because R and I met six people (a whole six!) on our morning walk up the hill today. All of them had dogs with them. I’d love to have a dog but R won’t have it (and he is probably right) because of the two timid lady cats and of the difficulty of getting someone to look after it if we are away. Not that we are away much – it has been four years since my last proper holiday.
The woodpeckers and cuckoos were out in force today and in the garden the bees and butterflies are enjoying themselves.
I notice that Centre Parks have been sold off from the private equity firm that bought them a few years ago. I can’t help wondering if the equity firm which bought Drimsynie is going to regret their purchase as people gravitate back to international travel again. Not that Drimsynie isn’t lovely (because it is – well maintained and with great facilities) but just that some people really like the heat and we are not so good from that perspective. R and I always speculate on how many people buy a holiday lodge here after a visit with beautiful weather and then wake up to the fact that it isn’t like this all the time.