Made a new friend today

Mar 26th, 2023

Made a new friend today

A few weeks ago, R and I saw a fluffy tabby cat intently hunting something in the field behind the Scout centre. I made the usual “Here kitty, kitty noises” and it gave me a look of extreme contempt and ran off.
Today we saw it in the same place again and with no expectation of success I called for it again. Blow me but it veritably ran towards us, jumped through the fence and gave the full pollying over in the middle of the path treatment.

We gave her (as it turns out) big tickles for several minutes and then bade her good bye. Somewhat to our consternation she started to follow us and it was only by walking very quickly with out looking back that we managed to throw her off the trail.

It was a lovely day today though with snow back on the mountains.