Apr 6th, 2020
Author: donich_admin
Reverting to the old ways
Due to the ridiculous behaviour by our so-called government many items are now either unobtainable or so expensive that even “price insensitive” people like me won’t pay for them. One of them is cleaning spray.
However I have a few tricks up my sleeve which younger people might not know. A few years ago R and I experimented with living a 1940s wartime lifestyle for a few months. So we fed ourselves on the wartime ration (not one single person enjoyed the Woolton pie I made) and tried as far as possible to use the technologies of the time. For cleaning I used bi-carbonate of soda and white vinegar – these were very effective in removing grease and stains. So I bought some and will now be using them to clean my kitchen and bathrooms.
R and T have also been experiencing some new foods. With ASDA orders so difficult to obtain I got some meat in from the Blackface Meat company – so R has tried Irish Stew (very nice) and will be trying rabbit fricasse tonight. I am not going to enlighten him to the fact that I did not think it tasted that nice. Tora has also moved to Whiskas rather than Felix as Amazon wanted £70 for a box of 120 pouches. He is not that keen on it and is basically licking the jelly off and leaving the pieces of “meat” I am honestly not prepared to be gouged by these spivs so although I could pay for Felix – I won’t.
R managed to buy us a sack of potatoes to go with the huge amount of meat we have. I will say that I don’t normally eat much meat and the change of diet is not doing much for my digestive sytem.