As we move into a new wave of idiocy

Mar 18th, 2020

As we move into a new wave of idiocy

I am tempted to quote from one of my favourite books “The Screwtape Letters” by CS Lewis – this is letters from a senior devil to a junior temptor set during the second World War.

“I am not in the least interested in knowing how many people in England have been killed by bombs. In what state of mind they died, I can learn from the office at this end. That they were going to die sometime, I knew already.”

And BTW – this current “crisis” is not the worst thing that has happened either to this country or the world at large. How about the Black death – the Mongol invasions of Europe or the Spanish Flu? Not to mention the actual deaths in the two World Wars and the six million people murdered by the Germans. If anyone thinks this is the worst situation the world has seen they should read some history and get a sense of perspective.