Nov 29th, 2019
Author: donich_admin
Got the floor finished
Thank God for being finished with that. The floor is complete, but has taken me twice as long as I expected, partially because my back and knees are not up for more than an hour or two at a time, partially because the light fades at 4pm, and partially because of the activities of Tora, who can’t stand closed doors and whose interaction with the evil adhesive would have involved a trip to the vet in Dunoon.
As always with these tasks, I was getting really good at doing it just when I was finishing up, and doubtless by the time I do it again I will have forgotten everything I have learnt this time. One point I did note though was that trying to do this kind of thing without all the right tools is a right pain in the arse. This particular task definitely requires a proper spreader, a steel rule (we had one but we couldn’t find it this morning and I only found it again this afternoon after ordering a new one) and a chinagraph pencil or similar for marking lines on the wood. A roller for applying pressure to the floor once laid would also be handy.
But it is done, looks fine if not 100% perfect and saved us a load of money in installation fees for a professional company.