Jul 2nd, 2019
Author: donich_admin
Still going strong
I must say that Tora has not looked for Schrodi once since he died. He is also now a much happier and more confident cat. Yesterday he caught three rodents, one mouse, one short tailed vole, and one unidentified creature which had been largely eaten. The picture is of him having jumped into a cupboard in the kitchen and he is currently out in the shed trying to acquire himself another mouse.
We tend to anthropomorphize creatures and try to ascribe them human emotions and motives. Much as I love Tora and grieve Schrodi myself, I am pretty sure that Tora just generally disliked him and is glad that his brother is gone and he now has the house to himself. In retrospect, I am not sure that having two equal age male cats was really a good idea as they were constantly in dominance contests with each other. I’m not having any more cats because it is just too upsetting when they die, but if I was going to, I would either have only one, or a male together with a female.