Trying out the new Tagine

Jan 6th, 2019

Trying out the new Tagine

I got a fancy Moroccan Tagine pot from my brother N for Christmas and tried it out for the first time today.

I made a traditional fish tagine stew using cod loin fillet. This is the tagine pot itself. The idea is that the narrow spout reduces evaporation during slow cooking and concentrates flavour whilst tenderizing the contents of the stew.

Tagine Pot

Marinated the cod loin in garlic, lemon and spices
Fried off an onion with peppers, a chili (no seeds as R doesn’t like it hot)
Add everything to the Tagine with the fish in its marinade and some pre-steamed new potatoes
Into the oven and this particular one is ready after about an hour as it is fish. Chicken or lamb would be best cooked for a lot longer.
The finished article served with homemade garlic and coriander flatbreads.
Yum. An empty tagine and full people.

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