Oct 17th, 2018
Author: donich_admin
Hedgehog house and the wrong sort of birds
Our hedgehog house which I got for my birthday seems to have acquired a resident as we put a new camera out behind the old wall where it is located, and overnight it was investigated by a new resident – a large hedgehog. I am hoping it has gone in and will be hibernating for the winter now – although it is beautiful weather today and rather warm so perhaps not. I remember as a child having one hibernating in a box in the garage after my father (fortuitously) found it in a pile of leaves he had been about to put on a bonfire.
Obviously we have been having huge issues with the road and therefore with getting deliveries through so we ended up with a sack of “wild bird food” rather than the normal sunflower seeds. Our birds just seem to take this type of seed, eat the sunflower seeds out of it and scatter the rest of it all over the lawn. So R says that they are simply “the wrong sort of birds”. I don’t know how we would go about getting the right sort as they seem to be the only ones there are around here.