Snow Joke in Earra Ghàidheal

Dec 29th, 2017

Snow Joke in Earra Ghàidheal

Woke up this morning on R’s birthday to heavy snow. We went out and labouriously cleared the 72m driveway – although I will be surprised if we get any deliveries today. The cats assisted us by running up and down complaining loudly. Here is me in the Lama hat which N and J brought me from Peru.

Then we built a snowman which is wearing the Bavarian Hat from the German party N did for us on Christmas Eve. I did bring the hat in afterwards as I now have it hanging on the wall and didn’t want it to get wet.

BTW Earra Ghàidheal is the Gaelic spelling of Argyll (unlikely as that seems) and actually means “landing place of the Gaels”.

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