Run up to Christmas

Dec 13th, 2017

Run up to Christmas

Last night I put the tree up. R is normally an expert on detangling the lights which always seem to knot themselves in the bag. Unfortunately I was a bit stupid last year and put two sets in the bag together, such that they had inextricably welded themselves together. In the end we had to cut one set free of the other one – luckily they had not been expensive.

Here is the tree with some little mice and snowmen which my Mum bought me last year. I think I am a sad sentimental individual because I had put the snowman/snowwoman on opposite sides of the tree and then had the idea that they would be missing each other so I moved them to sit on the same branch.

The Christmas cactus has bloomed and is looking very fetching.

Even more verdant is the sage that turned up with my ASDA delivery today – I had ordered four packets of leaves but they have turned up as four live plants.

Need to get my sage and onion stuffing made tonight – plus wrap my presents as I need to get my dining room ready for having a little party at the weekend.

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