Much Improved Cowal Way

Oct 6th, 2017

Much Improved Cowal Way

A few weeks ago I went for a walk up Coilessan Glen along the route of the Cowal Way. I am not a fussy person with regard to getting my feet wet (let’s hope not as I am going to climb Mont Blanc next year) but it was really almost impassible even wearing full on mountaineering boots as it was knee deep in mud the whole way up.

But today I went for a quick climb up Cnoc Coinnich and the whole route has been fixed. They have dug out the path in all the areas where it was boggy and also put in wooden steps on the bit at the top.

They have also put two new benches at view points along the way.

Unfortunately having set out to do a climb today because the weather was beautiful this morning – it was less than great by the time I got to the summit this afternoon.

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