
Jun 1st, 2017


R and I went for our normal walk this morning although it is not pleasant at the moment as the midgies are fierce (they love warm wet weather as we currently have).  On the way out we narrowly evaded Schrodi by running down the driveway.

But we had to walk through the village to post our ballot cards, and as we were strolling along discussing the possible election results, who should jump over a cottage wall and come to greet us but Tora who had been out most of the night “having a cat”.  Of course I had to carry him home pursued by clouds of midgies, whilst R swanned off to post the letters.

When I got home with him, Schrodi was already waiting in the driveway and they had their usual investigation of under each others’ tails (euphemism for sniffing each others’ arseholes).  I don’t think it is within human ken to conceive what they find so interesting about that.

If you click on the picture you’ll see the video of them.



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