Another Silly looking Gate

Jan 25th, 2017

Another Silly looking Gate

I found another stupid gate to go with the one on the Cowal Way which had been put in the middle of a stream. This one is even better – it’s at the entrance to the top dam at the new Hydro near Ben Donich and it is a substantial gate, capable I am sure of keeping out any number of idle gawkers or potential vandals (assuming there were any of those who couldn’t climb over a gate and who fancied a walk up to 400m in the middle of nowhere to do their evil deeds). The only problem with this particular gate is that there is nothing to either side of it – it stands in solitary splendour attached to nothing – so the potential vandals would presumably just walk round it… This tells you nearly everything you need to know about how that particular hydro project was managed, but don’t start me on that….

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