Dec 28th, 2016
Author: donich_admin
The Naughtiness of Cats
When we got up this morning (unusually late for us as it is currently so dark in the mornings) there was no sign of Schrodi. Our estimate was that he had been out since about 5am – which was at least four hours and very unusual in the middle of winter.
So we went out with our “cat locator” to look for him – both our boys wear collars containing a wireless receiver which we bought from a company in California many years ago. This was after Tora managed to get himself locked in a neighbour’s house for three days and nearly caused me to have a nervous breakdown.
But this morning, the receiver wasn’t picking up Schrodi at all. We walked all the way to the village and down by the side of the loch – and only then started to pick up the bleep from his collar. Last year he had (twice in quick succession) paid a visit to the holiday village at Drimsynie which is about a mile from our house – so we started to suspect that that might be where he was. Sure enough, we were getting his signal strongly coming from one of the Eagle Lodges over there.
We called for him and called for him but he didn’t show up so in the end I had to knock on the door of the lodge. The family staying there weren’t very friendly or helpful and wouldn’t let us look in the house, so I was in despair before we walked round the front and realized that there was a huge crawl way which was open under it. I started to crawl in, but I’m rather claustrophobic and it was seriously scary (dark and probably rat infested). I’ve often said that R is my hero but today he certainly was as he crawled right in guided only by the torch app on his iPhone. A few minutes later Schrodi suddenly emerged from under the decking, seemingly none the worse for wear.
So this 14 year old cat had walked over a mile, crossed a river and a road and gone into an unfamiliar holiday camp. He then went under a house and refused to come out no matter how many times he was called. I would like to say that this is the naughtiest behaviour we have ever seen from either of our cats, but unfortunately, thinking about it, it isn’t. Tora is still in the lead from various incidents such as the original locked in one and further ones such as getting into someone’s attic, being found in a neighbouring hotel sleeping on one of the dining chairs etc. etc. etc.
And when we brought Schrodi back in the car we found Tora had been sick all over the hall floor. Cats – who’d have them….