Two Cathedrals and Home

May 21st, 2016

Two Cathedrals and Home

We left the boat at Manor Marine after the Galley Slave (me) had given it a good clean.  It was rather amusing that the guy from the boat company had just as much trouble parking it as N had had during the course of the week.  I used the on-share ‘facilities’ one more time, with J guarding the door to the gents as (again) the ladies was locked.  I bought a half-price model of the “Waverley” paddle steamer in the marina shop as it seemed a little out of place so far from home.

We then drove to Armagh, which I had not really been aware of as an ecclesiastical centre, but it is, as it is home to not one, but two cathedrals, and not one but two associated  Primates of Ireland.  On first thought you would think it would be less confusing if both cathedrals were not called “St Patrick’s”, but I suppose there is some historical justification for this under the circumstances (hard to see what else the newer Catholic one could call itself after the takeover of the original).

We went to see both of them and they were both rather good, although I have to say that I liked the newer one better.


Catholic Cathedral Outside


Catholic Cathedral Inside


Church of Ireland Outside

Then we went to look at a little museum which had been created in a old records building and had just time for a quick fish supper (they call fish and chips that in NI as well as Scotland) before shooting off to catch the ferry.  The image at the top of the posting is the view from the balcony at the back of the museum.


We didn’t get home until after ten, so it was a quick hello to the cats and then off to bed.

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