
Mar 10th, 2016


I often make homemade soup and bread for lunch (even though I have a sneaky feeling that R prefers M&S soup to at least some of my efforts).

Lentil is one of R’s favourites and it should be everyone’s really as it is healthy, cheap and easy to make. In fact very healthy, very cheap and very easy to make…

Take a 500g pack of red lentils and rinse thoroughly in cold water. Peel and roughly chop a large onion and five large carrots. Put in a pan and add the lentils. Add three to three and a half pints of stock (traditionally ham but it is equally good as a vegan soup with vegetable – also yesterday I used chicken as I had just made it and it was fine too). Three makes a very stiff soup you can stand a spoon up in – 3.5 is more the consistency of the (horrid) stuff out of a tin. Bring to the boil and then simmer gently for about 40 minutes to 1 hour until the lentils are cooked and the carrots are soft. Blend with a stick blender until smooth. That easy….

On the food front I had an amusing experience the other night. I made roast chicken (hence the stock above) and due to inattention on my part, the steamer I had been cooking the green beans in boiled dry and got quite burned on the bottom before I noticed. This imparted an odd smoky taste to the beans which I didn’t like and I ended up not eating them. But later on R complimented me on the lovely ‘barbeque’ flavour the beans had and said how much he enjoyed them. One man’s meat….

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