May 25th, 2015
Author: donich_admin
Waiting for our visitors
We put our Midge Magnet machines out at the weekend and I noticed yesterday that they were starting to catch a few visitors. It is quite depressing really because although still pretty cold (hasn’t been above 10 degrees today for example) everything is starting to look very lovely (cherry blossom, bluebells, fresh green leaves on all the trees) and it is sad to think that in a week or so we’ll need to watch out every time we go outside for fear of attack.
So last year they first became a serious menace in the first week in June. The Midge Magnets broadly kept them under control during the day in the garden, provided you didn’t turn over the soil and that the weather was not exceptionally muggy, but there were a lot of walks that were just undoable without a net on between June and the start of August. In addition, even in the garden you couldn’t go out in the evening if the weather was still. It will be interesting to see what happens this year as it has been a great deal colder.
On a different note I am a bit concerned about our water lilies which are not showing much sign of life yet and may have been killed by the unseasonable frosts.