Two new Cameras

Apr 16th, 2015

Two new Cameras

I added two new cameras to our wildlife setup here on the Donich this week. One is a tiny thumbnail camera my Mum bought R (the idea was to attach it to one of the cats’ collars and get some photos of where they go, but it didn’t work well for this because there was no way of getting the video stable). However, it works just brilliantly placed on the ground next to the wildlife feeding area. A degree of patience is required because it is not motion activated so the videos it takes are very large and have to be manually processed – but I got some great footage of a chaffinch yesterday.

The other camera is an Acorn wildlife one – not wireless, so the idea is you put it somewhere and then it motion detects and either takes stills or videos of anything that trips it. I’ve put this down by the river on the route I think the deer take – so I need to go and get the SD card out of it to see if I have ‘caught’ anything.

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