Lonely walk today

Feb 27th, 2015

Lonely walk today

R has been in Dundee giving a presentation at a conference so I have been all on my own (apart from the cats of course). Today I went for a walk in splendid solitude and (no insult to R) but it was actually quite nice. I was under no pressure of time so I walked right to the end of the Inverlounin Road where the little beach is and looked out for otters (didn’t see any) and then went back along the upper path where Billy and his harem are.

I also noticed that we are not alone in having sheep issues. In the very manicured garden of one of the huge and expensive mansion houses, a single sheep was happily munching away, so just goes to show that the rich have their problems too 🙂

The signs of spring seem to have been a bit retarded by the return of the snow, although there were a few little flies about today.

The pictures shows Billy who is the brown and white one on the left. He lives in Lochgoilhead and gets to have sex with lots of different females – lives don’t get much better than that.

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