Drumming Contest

Mar 26th, 2014

Drumming Contest

I was out walking at around 7am today and just coming round the road near the loch I heard a loud drumming noise. It was a woodpecker – unfortunately I only got a brief glimpse of him (not enough to identify his exact species), but he was making enough noise to make up for his lack of appearance. Then as I listened, a faraway drumming was returned, and after another minute yet more, closer in this time. There must have been at least four of them, all drumming their hearts out competing for mates. We saw one on the feeder once but he never came back – so perhaps we will see him again once he has settled down for the season.

And then on the way back, further noises as about 12 Whooper swans (I think that was what they were) flew over the loch with loud honkings. I was hoping to see them on the loch but by the time I got down there they were gone – I presume heading off home to Iceland.

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