Feb 26th, 2014
Author: marionmccune
I am not a big social media user – but whenever I complain about things like (for example) having problems syncing photos between all three of my tablets – R always calls it a #firstworldproblem. So I have a new category of this which I will call #ruralscotlandproblem. Rural Scotland doesn’t really sum it up – but it is the sort of issue you only get when you have a large property in a rural area with bad transport links.
Having problems finding someone who can repair the greenhouse roof after all the storms – #ruralscotlandproblem.
Can’t get top soil delivered because the road won’t take an 18 ton lorry and no one seems to be able to deliver in a smaller one – #ruralscotlandproblem
Phone line goes down and BT send 5 separate engineers before finally discovering that forestry commission need to give permission for a new pole because it is on their land – #ruralscotlandproblem
Every company on the Intenet (honourable exception of Amazon here) thinks your PostCode is on the moon because it is in the PA area – #ruralscotlandproblem
Of course there could be a compensationary hashtag – #ruralscotlandadvantage
Waking up to bird song and river noise – #ruralscotlandadvantage
Walking out of your door and on to a glorious hillside – #ruralscotlandadvantage
Pine martens in the garden – #ruralscotlandadvantage
Space to live and breath instead of living in a concrete box in a row of other boxes – #ruralscotlandadvantage
So far at least the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages – but I still wish we could get our greenhouse repaired.