
Nov 23rd, 2015

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The joy of Chickpeas

500g of dried chick peas is £1 in ADSA (in fact you can get 2kg for £2.50 but let’s not run before we can walk). The other night I was thinking of what to make for a special meal for myself (there is something very sad about that, but if I left it to R […]

Aug 17th, 2014

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‘Donich’ Green Tomato Chutney

The tomatoes have finally come to an end, and while the plants are dying back, there were quite a lot which were obviously not going to ripen fully, but still were large enough to make good eating. We also had a few courgettes/marrows left over, plus the cooking apples are just starting to be ready. […]

May 4th, 2014

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Grandma’s Griddle

Last time my Dad was here I made some griddle scones for his birthday. I’d never made them before and they turned out ok – but got a bit burned because the best thing I could find to cook them on was my paella pan. Although it is large and flat – not being designed […]