Ducks and Buns

Mar 26th, 2016

Ducks and Buns

I did a double take walking past a delicatessen window in Castle Douglas today – it was full of very lively ducklings. A passing spaniel also didn’t believe what he was seeing and had a good bark at them. They didn’t seem very phased however, and went on with what they were doing, which was largely trying to destroy the bunch of daffodils which was in there with them. Apparently they had been brought to the shop to keep them warm, but actually they were acting as a great advert for the shop, because lots of people were coming in to look at them, and leaving with a fair selection of purchases.


This afternoon I baked some hot cross buns from the BBC recipe. They were a bit more involved than I had thought they would be (three separate proves) but they turned out great, apart from my parents’ oven being a bit hotter than I am used to, so a couple got a bit over done. Also I didn’t have a piping bag to put the cross on. I will try one toasted with butter for Easter Sunday breakfast.


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